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Title: Phineas Gage                                                                                   

Author: John Fleishman

Genre: Non-Fiction

            150 years ago Phineas Gage was working as a railroad working in Vermont when a gruesome accident happened. He was a foreman working with explosives when an accident happened involving his tamping iron. Despite having a piece of his brain blown off he fully recovered but he was acting strange. This accident helped and changed the medical business tremendously because it helped us learn about the brain.

            Luck was the theme of this book. The author, John Fleisher believes he was lucky because he lived for 11 years. He was unlucky, however, because of an iron rod shot through his head and he felt the pain. I’d rather feel a shock and die, than have a pain for the eleven years. Lucky would be the iron rod missing his head inches away.

            I dislike and like this book. It was boring because of the way it had too many details. Also it was confusing the way it jumped to a conversation then to the narrative about the brain. The good part was the way the narrator talked about Phineas accident. I would give it 3 and half stars. The big medical words threw me off. I would recommend this to people who like to learn about the brain injuries and the brain.